FAQ – Ring Running Series


We are sure you still have questions about the Ring Running Series. We have compiled the most important questions and answers below and hope to be able to help you.

Questions about registration

Registration for the half marathon and marathon on March 2nd is open until February 24, 2024.
Registration for November 23rd is open until November 18, 2023. Late registration is possible onsite (plus 10€ late registration fee).

SEPA direct debit and credit card

Yes, on site registration will be available at a late registration price of €74 (half marathon) or €89 (marathon – only on November 23) (10,- € late registration fee included).

A change of registration to another person is possible on site during late registration. You can also submit the person’s relevant data to us by email to info@ringrunningseries.com in advance. Please note, there will be a processing fee of €10.
Unauthorized transfer of the bib number to another person will result in disqualification and possibly exclusion of the runner from further races.

If you do not appear (no show), there is no right to a refund of the entry fee. The fee for any additional services booked (medal engraving, photos, etc.) can be reimbursed. This requires a written cancellation which must sent to the organizer no later than 24 hours before the event. Please contact info@ringrunningseries.com
You can transfer your slot to the upcoming Ring Running Series event. The request must be sent to info@ringrunningseries.com no later than 24 hours before the race you actually signed up for. (pleasen note there is a processing fee of 10,- €)

The minimum age is:

  • Half marathon: 16 years (age group 2007 and older)
  • Marathon: 18 years (age group 2005 and older)

If you change your registration from the marathon to the half-marathon distance at the autumn event 2024, there is no right to a refund of the difference. In the case of a change of registration from the half marathon to the marathon distance, the difference in the participation fee must be paid.
A registration change can be requested by email at info@ringrunningseries.com or onsite.

If the race is cancelled, you can register for a follow-up event free of charge, provided there are still free starting places. If there are no starting places or you cannot start on these dates, your entry fee can be refunded. However, the amount paid for specially designated sporting events to cover the costs of organizing and preparing the event against the background of the unforeseeable consequences of the Covid 19 pandemic, without which the sporting event would not have been possible for us, will not be reimbursed.

Questions about the race

Yes, there is free parking available at the Hockenheimring. You can see the exact location here.

Yes, the route has been officially measured to enable the times elapsed to be included in leaderboards. After official measurement, the route received the AIMS certificate.

Spectators and companions have free entrance and can follow the race next to the course or can take a seat on the inner grandstand C (Motodrom).

Opening times of the area will be announced soon. We reccomend to arrive 2 hours prior to the start.

On March 2nd, the Half Marathon will start at 1:00 pm.
On November 23rd, the Marathon race will start at 10:00 am, the Half Marathon will start at 11:00 am.

There are 2 aid stations per loop:

Station 1 (finish line): water, cola, AMSPORT Energy Mineral (Iso, Taste: Orange), AMSPORT Energy Competition Gel (Taste: Cola and Pomegranate), fruit

Station 2 (East Curve Entrance): Water

AMSPORT® is our official partner for sports nutrition. You can order the products on the AMSPORT® website.

Produktinformationen „AMSPORT® Energy Mineral“
Das AMSPORT® Energy MineralPulver zur Herstellung eines isotonischen Getränks ohne mögliche Nachteile von freier Fruktose. Während der Belastung können Energie- & Flüssigkeitsverlust zu Leistungseinbußen führen. Mit dem AMSPORT® Energy Mineral gibst du deinem Körper genau das was er dann braucht!

  • Energie aus 3 schnell verfügbare Kohlenhydratquellen
  • Effizienter Ausgleich des Elektrolytverlustes
  • Erfrischend-fruchtiger Geschmack
  • Besonders ergiebig: Reicht für 17 Liter Fertiggetränk


  • Ohne Gluten
  • Ohne freie Fruktose
  • Weniger als < 0,1 g Laktose in 100 g Produkt
  • Frei von Fett und Ballaststoffen

Produktinformationen „AMSPORT® Fast Hydration Elektrolytes“
Die AMSPORT® Fast Hydration Elektrolytes versorgen dich effizient mit wichtigen Elektrolyten und sind dabei frei von Zucker.

  • Abgestimmtes Verhältnis von Natrium, Kalium, Magnesium und Chlorid
  • Nur 8 kcal pro Portion
  • Bereits zwei Tabletten liefern dir die Natriummenge für eine ausreichende Rehydration
  • Fruchtiger Geschmack, schnelle Löslichkeit, ideal für unterwegs

Kein klebriges Gefühl mehr im Mund. Die AMSPORT® Fast Hydration Elektrolytes liefern dir neben den wichtigen Elektrolyten, einen angenehm fruchtigen Geschmack, ohne zu süß zu schmecken. So versorgst du deinen Körper effizient mit Flüssigkeit, bleibst konzentriert und erreichst neue Höchstleistungen!


  • Ohne Zucker
  • Ohne Salz (als NaCl)
  • Durstlöschend
  • Kalorienarm

Produktinformationen „AMSPORT® Energy Competition Gel“

Das AMSPORT® Energy Competition Gel ist gemacht, um dich selbst während härtester Belastungen, schnell mit Energie zu versorgen.

  • Abgestimmtes Kohlenhydrat- und Aminosäureverhältnis
  • Besonders gute Verträglichkeit, da laktosefrei, glutenfrei und ohne freie Fruktose
  • Wirkt einem Leistungsabfall entgegen
  • Fertig portioniert und ideal für unterwegs

Unser bestes Wettkampfprodukt in der leckeren Sorte Waldfrucht. Bekannt aus den Ring Running Series 2021!


  • Ohne Laktose
  • Ohne Gluten
  • Ohne freie Fruktose
  • Frei von potenziellen Allergenen

On the day of the event there will be a guided Insider Tour that will take you through the most famous stations of the Hockenheimring. The tour starts at 11:00 am. Tickets are available here.

Questions about the procedure after the race

Yes, You can also pay for your engraving on site at the engraving stand for €10. The engraving is done on site at the Congress Pavillon.

Yes, there will be shower facilities onsite. Please also keep in mind to bring spare clothing with you.

FinisherPix is the official photo partner of the Ring Running Series. About 48 hours after the race you will find your photos on www.finisherpix.com
You can pre-order your photos at a reduced price as part of your registration. During the run, make sure that your start number is always visibly facing forward and laugh when you cross the finish line!

Photos 17. October 2021
Photos 19. March 2022
Photos 27. November 2022
Photos 25. November 2023
Photos 2. March 2024

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